Library hanoi.ghanoi3

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From hanoi Require Import ghanoi gdist.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Unset Strict Implicit.

Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Section GHanoi3.

Implicit Type p : peg 3.

Let peg1 : peg 3 := ord0.

Let peg2 : peg 3 := inord 1.

Let peg3 : peg 3 := inord 2.

Lemma peg3E p : [\/ p = peg1, p = peg2 | p = peg3].


by case: p ⇒ [] [|[|[|]]] // H; [apply: Or31|apply: Or32|apply: Or33];
   apply/val_eqP; rewrite //= inordK.


Lemma opeg3E p p1 p2 : p1 != p2 (`p[p1, p2] == p) = ((p1 != p) && (p2 != p)).



have D p3 p4 : (p3 == p4) = (val p3 == val p4).

  by apply/eqP/idP ⇒ /val_eqP.

move: p1Dp2 (opegDl p1 p2) (opegDr p1 p2).

by case: (peg3E (opeg p1 p2)) ⇒ ->;
   case: (peg3E p1) ⇒ ->;
   case: (peg3E p2) ⇒ ->;
   case: (peg3E p) ⇒ ->;
   rewrite !D /peg1 /peg2 /peg3 /= ?inordK.


Lemma opeg3Kl p p1 p2 : p1 != p2 `p[`p[p1, p2], p1] = p2.


movep1Dp2; apply/eqP.

by rewrite !opeg3E ?(eqxx, p1Dp2) // [in p2 != p1]eq_sym p1Dp2.


Lemma opeg3Kr p p1 p2 : p1 != p2 `p[`p[p1, p2], p2] = p1.


movep1Dp2; apply/eqP.

by rewrite !opeg3E ?(eqxx, p1Dp2) // [in p2 != p1]eq_sym p1Dp2.


Variable hrel : rel (peg 3).

Hypothesis hirr : irreflexive hrel.

Hypothesis hsym : symmetric hrel.

Let hmove {n} := @move 3 hrel n.

Let hmove_sym n (c1 c2 : configuration 3 n) : hmove c1 c2 = hmove c2 c1
  := move_sym hsym c1 c2.

Let hconnect n := connect (@hmove n).

Local Notation "c1 `--> c2" := (hmove c1 c2)
    (format "c1 `--> c2", at level 60).

Local Notation "c1 `-->* c2" := (hconnect c1 c2)
    (format "c1 `-->* c2", at level 60).

Lemma move_perfectr n (c1 c2 : configuration 3 n.+1) :
  c1 `--> c2 c1 ldisk != c2 ldisk ↓[c2] = `c[`p[c1 ldisk, c2 ldisk]].


movec1Mc2 c1lDc2l.

apply/ffunPi; rewrite !ffunE.

have /ffunP/(_ i) := move_ldisk c1Mc2 c1lDc2l; rewrite !ffunEc1Ec2.

apply/sym_equal/eqP; rewrite opeg3E //; apply/andP; split.

  rewrite -c1Ec2 /=; apply/eqPc1lEc1r.

  have /on_topP /(_ _ c1lEc1r) := move_on_topl c1Mc2 c1lDc2l.

  by rewrite /= leqNgt ltn_ord.


have /on_topP /(_ _ c2lEc2r):= move_on_topr c1Mc2 c1lDc2l.

by rewrite /= leqNgt ltn_ord.


Lemma move_perfectl n (c1 c2 : configuration 3 n.+1) :
  c1 `--> c2 c1 ldisk != c2 ldisk
  ↓[c1] = `c[`p[c1 ldisk, c2 ldisk]].


rewrite hmove_sym eq_sym opeg_sym.

exact: move_perfectr.


Inductive path3S_spec (n : nat) (c : configuration 3 n.+1)
                                 (cs : seq (configuration 3 n.+1)) :
    (b : bool), Type :=
| path3S_specW :
     (c' := ↓[c]) (cs' := [seq ↓[i] | i <- cs]) (p := c ldisk),
      cs = [seq ↑[i]_p | i <- cs']
      path hmove c' cs' path3S_spec c cs true
| path3S_spec_move :
     cs1 cs2
           (p1 := c ldisk) p2 (p3 :=`p[p1, p2])
           (c1 := ↓[c])
           (c2 := ↑[`c[p3]]_p2),
        p1 != p2 hrel p1 p2
        last c1 cs1 = `c[p3]
        cs = [seq ↑[i]_p1 | i <- cs1] ++ c2 :: cs2
        path hmove c1 cs1 path hmove c2 cs2
        path3S_spec c cs true |
  path3S_spec_false : path3S_spec c cs false.

Lemma path3SP n (c : _ _ n.+1) cs : path3S_spec c cs (path hmove c cs).


case: pathSP⇒ //; try by constructor.

movep1 p2 cs1 cs2 c1 c2 p1Dp2 p1Rp2 csE c1Pcs1 lMc2 c2Pcs2.

have lc1cs1E : last c1 cs1 = `c[`p[p1, p2]].

  have := move_perfectl lMc2.

  by rewrite !cliftr_ldisk cliftrK; apply.

apply: path3S_spec_move (lc1cs1E) _ _ _ ⇒ //.

- by rewrite csE; congr (_ ++ cliftr _ _ :: _).

by rewrite -lc1cs1E.


End GHanoi3.